Air Sterilization
Is Your Home Making You Sick?
To understand why many of today’s health problems are often caused by the houses we reside in, you would need to take a step back a couple of years. During the energy crisis in the early 70’s, highly insulated “tight” homes became popular due to their potential to scale back energy costs.
Within a couple of years, complaints about poor health, excessive moisture caused by indoor pollution, and associated moisture problems began to surface. During the latter parts of the
80’s and early 90’s, the quality of indoor air became an issue that was recognized nationally.
These homes utilize devices that harbor and help propagate harmful microbes, viruses, and bacteria that thrive in environments that air conditioners and humidifiers create.
This greater activity and concentration of airborne contaminants, equates to more allergies, and sickness within families for extended periods of time.
Why is Biogrowth difficult to control?
Biogrowth is at the rock bottom of the organic phenomenon. It thrives on very little or nothing at all, they grow rapidly and produce spores, volatile organic compounds, and other toxins. One organism can multiply to trillions in but three weeks! If given the appropriate conditions, biogrowth will thrive in your homes, at school, your workplace, vehicles and entertainment centers, etc.
The interior of your ductwork and air-conditioner equipment provides a perfect environment for biogrowth – especially within the air conditioners inside the drain-pan where it’s dark, damp, and crammed with nutrients. This would result in a situation that can be compared to circulating swamp or sewer air throughout your particular indoor area.
According to the planet Health Organization (WHO), 60% of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) problems and allergies could also be biogrowth related. Some IAQ diagnosticians and practitioners today say the figure could also be as high as 80%. The increased usage of air-con systems almost directly parallels the rise of allergies and IAQ problems.
As biogrowth and bacteria grow on coils and in drain pans, they’re disseminated through the ducts to occupied spaces. Biogrowth byproducts result in dangerous and life-threatening consequences; asthma, hypersensitivity, allergies pneumonitis, and sometimes even bleeding lung disease.
Additionally, biogrowth creates a hard maintenance problem. Allowing biogrowth to build up could lead to dirty coils, a drop in airflow, a decrease in the efficiency of heat exchange, clogged drain pans, and excessive energy use.
Air Sterilization: Our company has found that the most successful way to handle system biogrowth is through Ultraviolet (U.V.) germicidal lights.
Places like barber shops, laboratories, hospitals, and the Centre for Disease control are often found using ultraviolet light to kill microorganisms. These ultraviolet systems that are found in residential systems were tested to be effective in killing biogrowth and bacteria that are commonly found in the constantly moving air environments of heating and cooling systems. The UVC energy works by attacking the DNA of the present organisms by either immediately preventing them from reproducing or destroying them.