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Know Your Air Conditioner Parts - The AC Voltage Regulator
What is an AC Voltage Regulator?
The voltage regulator itself is a device that stores a powerful energy charge.Scientists have been usingvoltage regulators since the late 1700s. Today, many high-energy applications use voltage regulators, including your HVAC system.
What Does the AC Voltage regulator Do?
Your AC uses a lot of power, and it takes a big jolt of energy to get it started. The voltage regulator is often compared to a battery, but it’s not the same. Even though your AC is connected to your home’s electrical wiring, it isn’t enough to kickstart the AC when you need cool air. The voltage regulator compensates for the lack, making sure your AC has the energy to get the job done. Failed voltage regulators are a common problem with HVAC systems.
Signs of a Failing Voltage Regulator
Because the voltage regulator is subject to high voltage, it’s not something that homeowners should attempt to repair or replace on their own. The voltage regulator wears out over time, but it can also fail when extremely hot temperatures cause the device to overheat. Power surges or lightning
strikes can also damage the voltage regulator. Here are signs that your AC’s voltage regulator is not working properly:
- Your AC won’t start the cooling cycle.
- Your AC shut itself off.
- You don’t feel cold air when the AC is running.
- You hear a hummingnoisewhen the AC is running. Your energy bills went up without any reason.
- You smell burning from the AC unit.
A Gator Air Technician has the tools and knowledge to test the voltage regulators current and to make repairs correctly. Some of the signs of a damaged voltage regulator are also signs of other problems with your HVAC unit. If the problem isn’t in thevoltage regulator, a professional Gator Air technician can check out other issues to find the problem. Call us today!